Tuesday, March 19, 2013

PGR - USAF Veteran O' Ray Perry 

PGR mission post:

The Patriot Guard Riders have been requested to Escort and give
final Honors to USAF Mr O Ray Perry. We will be Escorting
this Hero from San Jose Ca to San Joaquin National Cemetery in
Santa Nella Ca. Please bring your Flags and lets Honor this Hero
as he is laid to rest.

And it was an honor to attend, altho I did meet the mission about at the top of Pacheco Pass.  Bit of a story, I was late in leaving, and knew I would miss the staging, so headed directly to SJVNC to meet the escort.

I left at the same time as the group was to leave and I was closer, I thought I had plenty of time.  As I was riding up Pacheco Pass, I saw this red Harley with it's flashers on, and I know what that means, but there was no escort?

I followed for a bit and he appeared to be bird dogging a car, but then they took off.  I continued my ride and caught them a few miles further, along with the entire group.  My guess is somehow the last car got separated from the group and the tail gunner was staying with it, as he should.

Well I just fell in behind, I knew who they were and where they were headed.   Still couldn't believe they were ahead of me, but all missions are different, and you just roll with it, must be flexible!  We arrived safe and sound.

Before I caught up with the group, someone else met them at 152 junction.  We had 8 scoots and 2 met on the fly.  Pretty good mid week group!  And it looked great with the flags flying and the entire escort.   

I hope I have this right, someone correct me if I don't.  Chaplin Ken took the mission and received many compliments for his efforts.  Thank you for doing this!  We need more like you!

Tried to get a pic of the procession line, but had to walk up for another shot.

The main body of the scoots, real nice showing for mid week.  Nice group of family and friends also made the journey.

Walking back down the line, got a better shot of the "tail gunners".

Successful mission and as we went over Pacheco Pass, the weather warmed right up.  It was quite warm there!    The family was grateful for our being there and as always it was an honor to attend.  I thank them much for inviting PGR to ride.

As I am apt to say, all missions are different, and you just roll with 'um.  I'll say this is the first of hundreds of missions, the bugler didn't...    The services have moved to a electronic bugle, someone holds it and it plays taps.     We once had a mission that our PGR Ride Captain played taps.   Today, it didn't, I guess we had an equipment malfunction.  We waited an appropriate period of time and preceded with the service. 

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